Tips against fatigue: causes, treatment & tips
If you are constantly feeling tired, this can have a negative impact on your performance. We have the best tips against fatigue for you!
Many people feel tired all the time. They hardly get out of bed in the morning, drink a lot of coffee during the day and are still tired. Fatigue can have many causes. The most common cause is poor nutrition and lack of sleep, but certain illnesses or circumstances can also be behind fatigue.
What is fatigue?
Fatigue is the constant feeling of being sleepy, tired, and lacking in energy. Those who are constantly tired long for much more sleep and rest, although one may also have a greater need for certain foods, liquids, or oxygen.
Persistent fatigue can become a problem not only for the body, but also for the psyche, since one usually feels unfocused, lacking in energy, lacking energy, dull, and almost sick. The doctor distinguishes between two forms of fatigue, the
- physiological (inorganic) fatigue
- pathological (organic) fatigue
Simple symptoms of fatigue, which are caused, for example, by a lack of sleep, can usually be easily compensated for by going to bed earlier. However, as soon as there is a disease or mineral deficiency, the advice of a doctor is required.
In general, it is advisable to investigate the causes of fatigue as early as possible so that the symptoms do not become chronic. Those who sleep poorly for weeks or months often suffer from
- perceptual disorders
- irritability
- drowsiness
- dizziness
- headaches
- heart palpitations
- hallucinations
- stress
- severe difficulty concentrating
Types of fatigue
Fatigue is often used as a general term, but there are differences. Below we will show you the most common forms of fatigue.
1. Fatigue in the morning
To be tired in the morning is actually quite normal. In most cases it is because we usually have a hard time getting up with the alarm. It would be better to wake up on your own and then get up immediately, but the alarm clock literally pulls us out of sleep.
Because of fatigue, most people cannot get through the day without coffee. This is also the biggest problem, since the body gets used to the consumption of caffeine and needs more and more caffeine overtime to survive the day reasonably.
2. Fall and winter fatigue
Everyone knows the feeling of being constantly tired in fall and winter. The hormones are to blame, because we spend most of the time indoors during the dark winter months and do not soak up the sun. This enables us to produce less vitamin D. However, vitamin D is very important for the body because it not only contributes to the formation of hormones, but is also involved in many metabolic processes.
If we get too little sunlight, the hormone formation is also severely restricted. Above all, the hormone serotonin - a happiness hormone that literally puts you in a good mood and wakes you up. If this hormone is missing, or if we produce too little of it, fatigue takes the upper hand.
This effect is intensified in the fall and winter because the body produces more melatonin due to the lack of sunlight. Melatonin is a sleep hormone that the body forms in the pineal gland after dark. Another factor that plays a major role in the winter season is the cold and wet weather, which does not exactly contribute to a good mood.
3. Fatigue in the workplace
If you constantly suffer from fatigue, you will quickly feel the consequences. Especially at work, when fatigue suddenly breaks out and paralyzes the eyelids. Many find it difficult to concentrate on work, which is why they usually drink more coffee.
Another reason why we are often tired at work is monotony. Doing the same thing every day is a routine, but it can also lead to fatigue. It is better to break the routines more often, for example, alternating between standing and sitting, giving yourself a five-minute break for a few squats, and drinking mate instead of coffee. It is also advisable to ventilate the office vigorously to dispel the tiredness.
4. Fatigue after exercise
Many athletes constantly feel tired after training. Often, fatigue is due to an unbalanced or improper diet or low hydration. The body lacks the energy it needs to exercise.
It is therefore advisable to eat a carbohydrate-rich meal made of complex carbohydrates (whole grains) about two hours before training to replenish the energy stores (glycogen stores). Immediately before training, a banana or a date can provide the necessary energy kick. If the training lasts longer than an hour, the energy stores must also be recharged in between, for example with a special energy gel. You should drink enough fluids to do this.
Since the body empties the energy stores through training, it is important to replenish them afterward, preferably with simple carbohydrates (glucose). After about two hours, a complete meal of complex carbohydrates and protein should follow.
Causes of fatigue
Fatigue can have many causes. It is often due to poor diet, lack of sleep, or too much caffeine or other stimulants, which is why it is important to identify and eliminate the causes of fatigue. Below we will show you the most common forms of fatigue.
Fatigue due to lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of fatigue. Although the need for sleep can vary, we should sleep an average of between seven and nine hours to be rested and fit in the morning. The need for sleep decreases with increasing age, which is why most people can get by with about five to six hours of sleep.
It is best if you wake up in the morning on your own, but this is difficult to reconcile that with your workday. Since you can usually not change the start time at work, you should go to bed earlier in the evening to be awake and rested in the morning.

Increase your sleep quality and well-being. Recommended for people with:
- relaxation problems
- sleep disorders
- shift work
- jet lag
Fatigue from unhealthy eating
Diet is often responsible for fatigue. Those who eat an unbalanced diet and primarily use fatty foods, fast food, and ready-made foods often feel tired, weak, and lacking in energy. This effect can even be increased if you drink too little.
The reason for this is that the body is busy with the digestion of the food and therefore has to expend a lot of energy. The same problem exists if the portions are too large, the food is too spicy or contains too many legumes or cabbage.
Diets can also lead to fatigue. Many diets are often associated with a calorie deficit, so that the body lacks the necessary energy. There may also be a lack of certain nutrients. With a low-carb diet, initial fatigue due to the reduced carbohydrates is perfectly normal. However, once fatigue persists and training becomes difficult, you should increase the amount of carbohydrates slightly to provide the body with enough energy.
However, the carbohydrates should not be obtained from foods containing sugar or white flour products, but from whole grains and potatoes, which provide energy in the long run and do not burden the insulin level.
Vegans and vegetarians in particular should keep an eye on their iron levels, which are often responsible for fatigue. Since meat is missing as an iron source, the valuable trace element should be increasingly obtained from legumes, vegetables and lettuce (spinach), seeds, and nuts (pumpkin seeds).
Fatigue from exercise or lack of exercise
If you exercise too much, you will physically push yourself to the limit because the necessary regeneration is lacking. The result is overtraining, which can go hand in hand not only with fatigue, but also with listlessness, reduced performance, and heart palpitations. Too little exercise can also lead to fatigue. However, this can be changed by, for example, cycling regularly, walking at a faster pace, or jogging after getting up.
Fatigue due to special circumstances and illnesses
There are certain things and circumstances that can lead to fatigue. These include, for example:
- medications
- toxins (food or environment)
- alcohol and nicotine consumption
- menstruation
- menopause
- intense heat and cold
- stress
Depression can also cause fatigue. However, we advise you to have the causes clarified professionally and to seek professional help.
Tips against fatigue
1. Tip against fatigue: healthy eating
Nutrition is the key to fatigue. To give the body many healthy nutrients, it should consist of fresh, organically grown ingredients if possible and provide
- a lot of protein (low-fat meat, legumes, tofu, tempeh),
- healthy fats (nuts, seeds, linseed and olive oil),
- complex carbohydrates (whole grain, oatmeal),
- fiber (legumes),
- micronutrients (fruits and vegetables).
You should drink between two and three liters, mineral water and herbal teas are best. In case of doubt, a blood test can show whether your nutrient balance is correct and whether you do not have to take a dietary supplement.
2. Tip against fatigue: exercise
Exercise helps to drive away fatigue. However, you should give your body enough time to regenerate between workouts. Therefore, it is advisable to either take a day off between workouts or consider a split workout instead of a full-body workout. Those who find little time for exercise can do some aerobics during the lunch break or start the day by walking or biking.
3. Tip against fatigue: go to bed regularly
A steady day-night rhythm is important to be able to sleep in the evening and to prevent fatigue. By going to sleep at the same time each evening, you promote the release of melatonin and can, therefore, sleep better.
It is best to air out the bedroom properly before going to bed and keep it calm at night by keeping the windows closed and darkening the room with curtains. Laptops and cell phones should be a no-no in the bedroom because they emit UV light, which in turn promotes the release of cortisol and cortisol is a stress hormone that wakes you up.
4. Tip against fatigue: Power nap
A nap can drive away fatigue if it is not too long. 10 to 15 minutes are ideal to regain strength and be mentally fit.
5. Tip against fatigue: nutritional supplements
Fatigue is often caused by a lack of nutrients, which are then supplied either through a targeted diet or through the intake of nutritional supplements. In addition to iron, vitamin B, vitamin D, and magnesium, protein is also held responsible for fatigue. For that, we have a large selection of nutritional supplements available.
6. Tip against fatigue: caffeine
Caffeine is the number one stimulant. However, you shouldn't drink too much coffee, as the caffeine can disturb the adrenal glands, which in turn has a negative effect on fat burning. Green tea is better. It contains less caffeine than coffee, but works much longer. Alternatively, you can use green tea extract.
Fatigue is not uncommon. It is often caused by poor nutrition, too little or too much exercise, or a lack of sleep, but this can be remedied by a few simple tips to combat fatigue, for example by eating healthier, taking a nap, or going to bed at the same time at night.