Food & dietary supplements
Food & dietary supplements - A necessity in today's day in age!
While the media is using the term frequently, its meaning remains often subject to misinterpretation.
Particularly athletes and active people require a daily supply of the right nutrients and vital substances. Unfortunately, we are not always able to maintain a well-balanced diet due to life circumstances, lack of time, or even lack of knowledge.
Another problem is that many foods do not provide the necessary nutrients anymore! (Comparison can be found in the chart of fruit and vegetables past and present). This trend means that everybody has to compensate the deficit of vitamins and minerals and supplement the food of these basic substances in order to prevent diseases or deficiency symptoms.
The lack of nutrients can result in different outcomes according to everyone's individual circumstances. High-quality food supplements and its well-balanced components allow you to maintain an individual diet tailored to your personal needs.
The quality, safety and the effects of regular intake of nutritional supplements should always be a priority in your selection!
Our many years of experience in the field of nutritional supplements for athletes and active people has enabled us to offer a range of modular products that are targeted at particular groups. This security will help you make the right decision!
Obst und Gemüse - gestern und heute |
Nutritional tips
Whether you want to lose weight or build muscle. Our products will help you reach your goal. However, your diet greatly influences the outer appearance of your body as well as your mental strength. We would like to give you some advice on the "right diet".
You should avoid the following foods because of their high fat content that makes it more difficult to lose weight or gain muscle mass.
Aal, geräuchert | Emmentaler (45% i.Tr.) | Mozzarella |
Appenzeller | Erdnussflips | Nudelauflauf mit Käse |
Auberginen, gefüllt und überbacken | Feta | Nuss-Nougat-Creme |
Avocado | Fleischwurst | Nussecken aus Mürbeteig |
Bauernsalat, griechisch | Frischkäse Doppelrahmstufe (60% Fett i.Tr. | Oliven (grün) eingelegt |
Bierwurst | Frühlingsrolle mit Gemüsefüllung | Omelett mit Champignons |
Bockwurst mit Brötchen und Senf | Gorgonzola | Parmesan (45% Fett i.Tr.) |
Bohnen, grün, in Butter gedünstet | Gouda (45% od. 60% Fett i.Tr.) | Pistazien, geröstet und gesalzen |
Bratwurst mit Brötchen und Senf | Gurkensalat mit Dressing | Pommes Frites mit Mayonnaise |
Butterkäse | Hackbraten mit Sauce | Quark (45% Fett i.Tr.) |
Cabanossi | Hähnchenflügel, gegart | Rahmspinat |
Camembert (45% i.Tr.) | Hühnerfrikassee | Rinderbraten mit Sauce |
Cashewkerne | Jagdwurst | Salami |
Champignons in Sahnesauce | Kartoffelchips | Sandwich mit Geflügel und Tomate |
Chili con Carne | Kohlrabi, gedünstet mit Sahne | Schokolade (Vollmilch, weiß, zartbitter) |
Croissant | Lasagne al forno | Spaghetti alla Carbonara |
Edamer (45% i.Tr.) | Leberkäse, gebraten | Thunfischsalat mit Mayonnaise |
Ei (Spiegelei) | Leberwurst, fein | Wurstsalat mit Öl |
Ei (gekocht) | Makrele, geräuchert | Zucchinischeiben, paniert und gebraten |
Ei (Rührei) | Mandel, geröstet und gesalzen | Zwiebelkuchen |
(Source: "Fit for Fun", 08/02).
Tips to stay away from fats
- Many live buy the rule: What you buy is what you eat, because you do not want to throw it away. Since you cannot eat what you didn't buy, simply avoid the chips section of the grocery store in the first place!
- These are great fat-free rich in nutrient snacks: fresh fruits such as pineapple, apple, papaya, kiwi, and watermelon.
- Pasta is not just pasta. Italian restaurants offer food that can be very light, such as Macaroni Arrabiata, Spaghetti Primavera, but also extremely heavy including Lasagne al Forno, Spaghetti Carbonara or Gorgonzola.
- Nuts have a high-fat content. Cereal that contains nuts has twice as much fat as cereal with dried fruits.
- Don't take prices into consideration when eating out in a restaurant! Pricier dishes are usually leaner such as chicken breast or sirloin (without breading). A good alternative is venison.
- Take breaks between meals! Anyone snacking too much will loose track of their recommended diet and will not feel satisfied.
- Eating two or three cookies can quickly result in the whole box of cookies.
- Do not ever, ever go grocery shopping hungry! The best way to buy groceries and control yourself is with a list of things you need. Avoid the aisles with sweets and snacks in the grocery store.
- Many of us crave a late night snack when attending a party. Cold water and white bread is a good option compared to chips and other snacks to prevent the body from drying out by alcohol. Would you like an Apéritif? Think about it twice. A Campari Orange contains only a 100 calories, but it also stimulates the appetite, and the alcohol inhibits fat reduction.
- Do you immediately think of food when you have nothing to do? Make sure you always carry a bottle of water with you. Whenever you are bored, drink a little. It distracts, fills you up and keeps you fit!
- A full stomach does not give you more energy! Prefer eating something light before going to bed. For example, steamed fish, potatoes and a vegetable dip is a meal that is easy to digest and ensures the energy goes to the right place.