Free shippingAll orders with PostPac Economy are free of charge.
No hidden costsThe checkout-price is your final price - No hidden costs.
Discount & sale pricesWithout a middleman you profit directly from the lower prices, even for the maximum quality.
Original productsWe sell exclusively original US, EU & CH - branded products.
Fitnessfood®, the leading provider of sports nutrition since 1999
We are also one of the largest online retailers in the Swiss market and supply hundreds of customers every day.
We are the market leader in Central Europe. Our market share is also considerable in other European countries. Our business model is efficient: We buy our products in large quantities directly from the manufacturer and deliver them directly to the end-user. No middleman.
We also have our own brand, which combines the best quality with the cheapest prices. That is why we are able to use the best and most expensive raw materials. Raw materials, which are far too expensive, even unaffordable, for products from other manufacturers due to the high prices. Without intermediary trade, our customers benefit from the lower prices and receive quality products.
We do not maintain physical stores. This enables us to pass on the saving of fixed costs directly to our customers.