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Basic Adult Multivitamin 100 Tablets

Basic Adult Multivitamin 100 Tablets

from Haya Labs
0% of 100

Haya Labs Basic Adult Multivitamin has a multi-element formula containing all necessary vitamins and minerals in the form of compact tablets which improve the overall health of the organism and stimulate the metabolism and the immune system.


Haya Labs Basic Adult Multivitamin has a multi-element formula containing all necessary vitamins and minerals in the form of compact tablets which improve the overall health of the organism and stimulate the metabolism and the immune system.

Haya Labs Basic Adult Multivitamin, product highlights:

  • Improves metabolism
  • Powerful immune system stimulation
  • Stimulates brain activity
  • Supports the skeletal system
  • Stimulates the growth of muscle mass
  • Cardiovascular support
  • Decreases blood pressure
  • Improves digestion
  • Decreases cholesterol levels

Basic Adult Multivitamin contains vitamins A and E both of which have powerful antioxidative effects, improve the organism's hydration and decrease the risk of muscle tissue damage after an intensive overload. Vitamin A stimulates the immune system, supports bone health and plays an important role in healthy metabolism. Vitamin E has a positive influence on digestion, supports the nervous system and improves the health of the skin.

Basic Adult Multivitamin's blend includes vitamin C – one of the most popular antioxidants which improve the synthesis of protein stimulates the growth of lean muscle mass and supports the health of the connective tissue. Vitamin C stimulates the immune system, improves brain activity and neutralizes the risk of losing muscle mass.

Basic Adult Multivitamin is enriched with vitamin B complex which stimulates the metabolism and the process of building lean muscle mass, it also has a good influence on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) speeds up the carbohydrates metabolism, activates the muscle processes and supports the central nervous system. Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is important for maintaining good eyesight, it stimulates the metabolism and the growth of muscle mass. Vitamin B3 (niacin) decreases high blood pressure and the levels of bad cholesterol, it also supports the digestive system. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) plays a key role in the right assimilation of proteins and fats by the organism, it improves the work of the nervous system and supports brain activity. Vitamin B12 supports the nervous system and the blood cells production, it also stimulates protein metabolism.

Basic Adult Multivitamin includes a mineral complex of calcium, magnesium, and zinc which promotes healthy metabolism, improves the skeletal system health and is a very powerful immune system stimulant. Calcium affects in a good way the nervous system, supports cardiovascular activity and improves the health of the teeth. Magnesium regulates the organism's electrolytes balance, supports the health of joints and cartilage and controls the insulin levels in the body. Zinc speeds up the healing of wounds stimulates brain activity and neutralizes the risk of getting prostate illnesses.

Supplement Facts
Basic Adult Multivitamin

1 tablet daily

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